Industry News
- Channel 4 signs a £5 million deal with comparethemarket.com, as the sponsor of its drama programming. VCCP will produce a series of over 40 idents for the sponsorship, focusing on the site's car insurance service; alongside a digital campaign.
- Yahoo! go gay for virtual branding - embarking on a Second Life branding campaign with a difference - it is sponsoring Gay Pride Month inside the virtual world. It comes as Flickr parent Yahoo! also seeks to associate itself with LGBT events. The portal giant's new gay section pushes links to gay-related questions at Yahoo! Answers, pride events listed at Yahoo!'s Upcoming calendar site, dates at Yahoo! Personals and a community at MyBlogLog. Yahoo! has also made available a range of clothes members can use to dress their site avatar, which is used at network destinations like Yahoo! Answers. Pride London is held on June 30
- Fifth of Father's Day shoppers go onlineAround a fifth of shoppers will go online to buy their dad a gift this Father's Day, according to new research. The National Retail Federation found 18.7% of people will turn to an e-commerce store to buy a gift for the occasion, which is marked this weekend. But the web still ranks behind more traditional gift-buying destinations.
GeekDad blogger John Baichtal wrote:
" Some comedian, I think it was Chris Rock, said that all dad asks for in life is the big piece of chicken. But on Father's Day, it's a different story. This is our day, just once per year!... "Me, my Father's Day is gonna consist of three things: beer, grilling meat, and the promise of a new gadget.". - Microsoft Surface:
- What do u think? Is it a good idea...? And what about the price? Knowing Microsoft, it will be extremly expensive. Right?
- The Facebook hype continues! (if your still interested...?)
Online market value is being predicted to rise to £28 billion by 2011, to form 10.9% of all retail sales, new research claims. Verdict Research’s report also states that online retailers could earn £818 million in extra income by 2011 by using a ‘post-transactional’ revenue model.
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