Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Friday, 7 September 2007
Link for 07 September 2007
*Superb article on the Success of Facebook.
-We'll have more on this soon. I'd like to get some other peoples opinions on what that funky gorilla is about...
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
oh, new phone?
Do new phones interest people in the way that they have in the past or has the fact that we have been constantly bombarded by new technologies desensitised us to caring about a greater battery life or better camera, for example?
I feel this is all down to the individual. What do you want a phone to be? Below I've tried to stereotype these different wants, based on talking to a number of different friends:
- THE ULTRA CONSERVATIVE: "I just use it to make calls, if and when its an emergency, its there if I need it." - this group by nature is the anti pole of individualism. eg. my mum. although she is bordering on...
- THE CONSERVATIVE / TRADITIONALIST: " I just want a phone that is quick and easy to make calls and send texts"
- THE CORE: "I like the different aspects of the phone but i don't always use them for a range of different reasons" or "I dislike the different aspects of the phone but I always use them for a range of different reasons"
- LIBERAL: "I like the new things that phones are capable of doing and want to be part of it. If there's a new phone that I like the look of, and I can afford it, I will more than likely get it... unless something better comes along"
- I WANT IT. I WANT IT. I WANT IT: "Oh the iPhone... got it and love it!"
What do I want from a phone?
To those of you that may be aware, there is a new phone on the market. Is this an instant turn off? Well to me, no. New phones excite me and I'm always more than happy to hear what they can do. I have been given an O2 Cocoon at work as part of a campaign we are running. So I was already aware of the phones spec and how it looked. I have been using it now for nearly 3 weeks, and have lots to say about it.
- Simplicity: It is very simple to use. The menu is easy to understand and I can find what I want to do easily. However, as others have said before myself the manual needs work, see John Dodds 'Simplexity'. To me, being able to use a phone by picking it up is second nature, this phone is definitely marketed towards those who fit towards the Liberal end of my spectrum.
- Coolness: Whats cool today is not tomorrow. That's because phone's, despite trying so desperately to be unique, still appear very similar. This phone has definitely gained its cool points from stretching that paradigm. I wouldn't expect it to fit into the same category as the iPod, but I see a lot of its potential buyers to want that individuality which many consumers crave. This phone does not try to be slim and the buttons are huge!! This borders on actually helping me use the thing.
- Couple of Tricks: Not to many, but what it can do subtlety impresses... without rubbing it in your face. Firstly, the already over talked about alarm-clock functionality. Admittedly this is brilliant! Enough said. Secondly, the dual ear phone socket. So simple, but shows a bit of care from O2. Thirdly, camera light. How many times on previous phones have i come to on a Saturday to delete unrecognizable pictures on my phone.... And finally being able to preview a message as it arrives = too cool for school!
There are many different opinions on the phone and how it is being marketed. I have included some of my favourites below, but for more go to the Cocoon Blog
Faris tells us what happened when he took his phone to the O2http://farisyakob.typepad.com/blog/2007/08/cocoon.html
John Dodds covers the 'Simplexity' issuehttp://makemarketinghistory.blogspot.com/2007/08/simplexity_17.html#links
Tom's views 1-week onhttp://www.tomhume.org/2007/07/cocoon-1-week-o.html
This phone was launched with key influential bloggers before any advertising hit. It's early days, but very interesting to see a company such as O2 engage, and really listen, to grassroot voices.
Monday, 6 August 2007

- how could i resist...
When Facebook opened up its platform to independent developers in May, it became a hotbed for hungry startups eying the network's rapidly expanding base of 31 million members.
Instead of being a mere social network, Facebook's aim is to create a social operating system where e-commerce can thrive.
There was a huge market: Until the start of Facebook’s peak, social networking sites had largely been targeted and adopted by an older demographic. Friendster.com was largely popular with the twenty-something’s, not students. What’s more, in 2004, Friendster was on its downturn from the market, and Myspace was not the phenomenon it was today. There was a whole enormous youth market segment that hadn't had that experience, and Facebook captured it.
The Experience was designed for college students, by college students: The site was designed by members of the demographic it served. The youth perspective informs every facet of the site; had Zuckerberg been answering to a 30 year old manager, or a 45 year old CEO, the site would have been different.
Privacy: Beyond the market segment and the experiential aspects of the site, the fact Facebook walled networks was its most critical component. That the students could create their profiles for their audience (other students on their campus), and for their audience only created trust in the site. It also created behaviour that made the site viral - students were incentivized to create profiles for each other, rather than for the world at large. As Zuckerberg notes in a New Yorker article, the privacy is largely false - but for most students, the privacy is good enough.
Socio-economic motives: People commonly cite the fact that Facebook was started at Harvard as a factor in its success - that these ivy league students proved tastemakers for the rest of the country/world. Sure, this may have been a slight motive very early on in the rollout process, but I do not believe it is a critical factor. However, there are critical socio-economic factors tied into Facebook. First, the class of student who used Facebook was, and to a large extent still is, a unique subset of the youth market. That is to say, initially they were the privileged class of youths who could attend a four-year college. Facebook represented a place where they and their like friends could be found. Facebook allowed these like clusters to be transplanted virtually, into a members-only place. Compared to a Myspace or Friendster, where you're forced into the pile with everyone else, this made the initial adoption of a ‘social networking site’ much easier for members of this socio-economic class. As Facebook expanded, taking on colleges further down in US News rankings, it was a class effect that elevated the perceived status of membership, one that continues today.
Features and the Experience:
There are a number of features Facebook incorporated that made the service sticky. Here are the most important
Feature: Organization by Classes. The Facebook allowed people to list their class schedules online, making them browsable. That is, if you're in English 101, Section 9, you can browse all the other profiles of students in English 101, Section 9, as you sit in English 101, Section 9. Think about how powerful this is. The kid sitting next to you who you never talk to? You know his favourite bands, his interests; you've browsed his friends and realized you actually have friends in common. This was an incredibly important part of Facebook's early success.
Feature: The Poke, or low-involvement communication. In Facebook, you can poke people. It means nothing and everything. There's no documentation for the feature, but the students got it. The poke is a way to simply place yourself on someone else’s radar, and it quickly became culturally appropriate to poke. The poke is the precursor to full communication; for students trying to figure out who its OK to talk to and not, the poke is a low-involvement way to test these waters. Low-involvement communication is a key factor of Facebook, and it really made sense in a situation where communication barriers were still being figured out.
Feature: Groups. Groups are a way to say everything or nothing about yourself. They're a fun way to come together to represent part of your identity. Mostly, though, they just gave students another fun things to browse endlessly - and you were rewarded for your wit (most group names are in-jokes).
Experience: Directory Services. Facebook is a directory. As it turns out, students need that directory to figure out how to contact each other. The directory provided by their school? Not so good. A directory like Facebook? Invaluable.
Experience: Simplicity. Facebook is a simple website. It uses common design features, uses text links for feature navigation, and the site is largely unobtrusive. It could be picked up quickly - there aren't overly complicated functions, and Facebook doesn't try to design above anyone's head.
Experience: Speed. Those of us who loathe browsing MySpace on Firefox know how important speed is. Facebook has always been lightning fast - and that has helped their brand immensely. Lets face it, when we browse a social network we want to move around frequently and rapidly. We're stumbling, not following an explicit path. Fast response enables this fun stumbling process, and the fact that Facebook has stayed consistently fast has left a very positive impression in users minds.
As Applications Blossom, Facebook Is Open for Business...The most popular application at present is the 'top friends' app.
There are many different arguements... many see huge potential in this open platform, others argue it detracts from the simplicity of the site?
Future for social networking?